How to change APPS password in EBS 12.2.x

Mohsin Ali
2 min readMar 12, 2024


Following are the steps to change the password for APPS user in EBS 12.2.x if EBS R12.2 AD TXK Delta version is 7 or higher.

Stop the Application Services.

Use the AFPASSWD utility to update APPS password:


[applmgr@hostname ~]$ AFPASSWD -c apps@TEST -s APPLSYS

Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library 'APPSUSER': Enter Old APPS Password
Connected successfully to APPS.
Enter the password for your ORACLE schema [EBS_SYSTEM]:
Connected successfully to EBS_SYSTEM.
Log file: AFPWD_TEST_233118.log
Enter new password for user:
Verify new password for user:
AFPASSWD completed successfully.

Run Autoconfig on Application Node:

[applmgr@hostname ~]$ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
[applmgr@hostname scripts]$
Enter the APPS user password: Enter New Apps Password

AutoConfig completed successfully.

Start Weblogic Admin Server:

[applmgr@hostname scripts]$ sh start

You are running version 120.10.12020000.11

Enter the WebLogic Admin password:
Enter the APPS Schema password: Enter New Apps Password
Starting WLS Admin Server... exiting with status 0

Update Datasource Password in Weblogic Managed Servers:

[applmgr@hostname scripts]$ perl $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin/
Please select from list of valid options
updateDSPassword - Update WebLogic Datasource Password
updateDSJdbcUrl - Update WebLogic Datasource Connection String

Enter Your Choice : updateDSPassword

Enter the full path of Applications Context File [DEFAULT - /a01/TEST/fs1/inst/apps/TEST_hostname/appl/admin/TEST_hostname.xml]:
Enter weblogic admin server password:
Enter the APPS user password: Enter updated Apps Password

Performing Steps for option=updateDSPassword

Updating WLS DataSource Password

Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...

Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell

Type help() for help on available commands

Connecting to t3://hostname:7001 with userid weblogic ...
Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 'EBS_domain'.

Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the
server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or
Admin port should be used instead.

Domain Update successful

Start the Application Services.

